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We are a team of web technologists who specialize in ‘blending’ edge technologies, merging the ease of AI, web sites, and spatially aware data. Built upon a history of GIS expertise, we utilize geolocation and other spatial tools to build powerful and informative websites and GIS applications that provide information effectively. Whether you are launching a new venture with AI or just starting a WordPress site from scratch, need help understanding the data in your database, or require in-depth analysis of your spatial data contact us for thorough and thoughtful leadership and direction though the entire process.

Check out our latest work below:

  • Recurrent Energy

    Recurrent Energy

    Worked with the Recurrent team to update their website. We went from pure text tables to a modern, pinterest-y-like, project portfolio layout to better highlight their assets, solar power projects. Full width images, project maps, more project details, custom project taxonomy, and project videos better tell Recurrent’s story through rich media on a WordPress platform.

    Visit the website:

  • SMARTmuni


    Developed with a team of other dedicated San Franciscans SMARTmuni uses a clean, location-aware interface to solve the complex data flow problems of running San Francisco’s transit system. It runs on top of the public NextBus database, accessing and compiling real time vehicle location data, connecting that information with trouble tickets. We’ve already had the opportunity to present the project to SFMTA Chief, Ed Reiskin, senior staff and operations managers, and at the 2011 Mayoral Candidate Debate.

    Be sure to check out the demo video:

  • San Francisco Street Cleaning Website

    SFStreets Cleaning App

    The culmination of a lot of data massaging. Excited to finally throw out there a simple Google Maps interface with San Francisco Street Cleaning data.

    Check out the latest iteration with a geo aware interface. Now it knows where you are and what the street cleaning schedule is outside the door, you know — just in case!

    Please report any issues by clicking on the post title and leaving a comment.

    Visit the website: San Francisco Street Cleaning App

  • Story of Stuff: Site Refresh

    Story of Stuff site refresh

    After many successful microsite campaigns by The Story of Stuff, we were ready to integrate all the legacy sites and future sites under a consistent brand and provide tools for greater community engagement and communication — we do live in a social media age. We worked with Story of Stuff to design and build a WordPress site and cleaned up much of their web presence. We are all pumped with the results.

    Visit the website: Story of Stuff site refresh

  • Skoll Foundation

    We worked with the Skoll Foundation to refresh their website utilizing the best web 2.0 tools and enabling their organization to manage their own content. We are excited with the final product and working with an inspiring organization driving large-scale through investment in social entrepreneurs and other innovators dedicated to solving the world’s most pressing problems.

    Visit the website:

  • Applied Geographics Website Refresh

    While working at GreenInfo Network we assisted with the design, led project management, and deployment of a site refresh for Applied Geographics. AppGeo, after working with us on a number of other WordPress projects, sought our advice and direction in updating their dated website. In collaboration with a design team we updated their website to make it a valuable resource. WordPress enables the AppGeo team to quickly update and manage their own content without needing a developer.

    Visit the website:

  • Make Agent Orange History

    In collaboration with Active Voice, we designed and built a WordPress website that provides the foundation for the important social impact campaign to Make Agent Orange History. This interactive website hopes to be the gateway for ending the impact of Agent Orange in Vietnam and around the world. Definitely take a look at the video done by Underground Ads.

    Visit the website:

  • Story of Bottled Water

    What started as a small project with our friend Anthony at ArgStudios turned into a number of microsites for The Story of Stuff. Annie Leonard’s video aims to radically alter consumer behavior and make us think of the impact that plastic bottled water has on our planet. The video was hugely successful and featured in The New York Times, The Huffington Post, USA Today and even on The Colbert Report! We built the website showcasing the video on a WordPress platform.

    Visit the website:


    While working at GreenInfo Network we assisted with design and managed the development of the U.S. National Vegetation Classification website using WordPress. The site provides a comprehensive guide to inventorying natural and cultural plant communities throughout the U.S. The website houses the USNVC Hierarchy Explorer enabling users to browse the vegetation taxonomy and drill down on specific species. The site provides background context on the project and assists users in joining the conversation and community.

  • CCKA: Areas of Special Biological Significance

    While working at GreenInfo Network we developed a web map outlining Areas of Special Biological Significance for the California Coastkeeper Alliance. The multi-layered map shows Marine Protected Areas, state-wide Regional Water Board Boundaries, Critical Coastal Area Watersheds, and detail on the Areas of Special Biological Significance.

    Visit the map here:

  • California Parcel Fragmentation

    While working at GreenInfo Network we developed the WordPress website and maps illustrating the parcel fragmentation of land ownership in California. As one of the first projects of its kind, the California Parcel Fragmentation website sought to help interested parties understand the change from a native landscape to the fragmented ownership of today and the challenges that fragmentation presents. The degree of fragmentation of the private, rural land parcels is a critical factor for the future of ranching and farming, habitat conservation, fire prevention, delivery of services, water quality and much more. Deep zoom technology was used to enable users access to detail not visible on a printed map.

    Visit the website:

  • The City Project Map Portal

    While working at GreenInfo Network we worked with The City Project to develop a navigation portal to access the county specific Green Access and Equity Reports. The City Project rolled the maps out in their blog.

  • Winnipesaukee Gateway

    While working at GreenInfo Network we assisted with the design, and led production, development, and content addition of this rich web 2.0 site to present the Lake Winnipesaukee Watershed Management Plan to the public. Rather than provide just a simple PDF report, we worked with the Lakes Region Planning Commission to develop an interactive website with dynamic mapping to more effectively present the management plan and provide an online medium for resources to protect the lake.

    2011 NH Planning Association’s Project of the Year Award

    Visit the website:

  • XS | Land Architects

    XS | Land is a local bay area landscape architect and design shop. Andreas is a talented artist and XS | Land’s work is professional and beautiful. Working on this project, it was important to Andreas that the website reflect the quality and sensibility of XS | Land’s work and that Andreas have complete control in managing the site content. Andreas assisted with the site design and we helped build him a WordPress site. We are all thrilled with the results.

    Visit the website:

  • GreenLeaf

    GreenLeaf has been committed to the local, sustainable model of food distribution for decades, long before it became a trend. We built a customized content management WordPress website for them to more effectively reach their targeted audience.

    Visit the website: